Talking to Children about Anxiety
This booklet is specially curated by FRCS FCS to increase parents and caregivers’ awareness about anxiety in children aged 4 to 7 years old. We hope this booklet can help you to better manage anxiety related concerns for child under your care.

Understanding and Enhancing Financial Literacy of Low-Income Households in Singapore
Rotary FSC and TRANS FSC (Bedok) collaborated on this exploratory study on their clients’ level of financial literacy. Findings of this study were presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development in Dublin, Ireland in July 2018.

Equal Chances Project – Survey on Needs and Aspirations of Families with Young Children living in Rental Flats
Rotary FSC conducted a door-to-door survey on residents in the 5 rental blocks in Clementi between April and May 2018 with the aim of understanding the needs and aspirations of families with young children. A total of 39 interviews were completed. The survey findings were used in planning for Rotary FSC’s newest initiative – Equal Chances Project. The project was piloted in November 2018.

Singapore’s Strategy in Delivering Social Services in the Community: The Family Service Centre Model and Its Evolution towards Evidence-Based Practice
Rotary FSC’s Senior Social Worker, Ms Alice Koo conducted a qualitative study to understand Singapore’s strategy in delivering social services in the community from the FSCs perspective on Evidence-Based Practice. The findings of this study were presented at the International Conference on New Perspectives for Outcome-based Evaluation and Research on Family and Children’s Services organized by Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in September 2017.

Factors that Promote Help-seeking Behaviours in Women who have Experienced Spousal Violence: Rotary FSC’s Perspective
Between May and July 2017, a qualitative research was conducted on the help-seeking behaviours of female clients who have experienced spousal violence. Findings of this study were presented at the 24th Asia Pacific Joint Regional Social Work Conference in Shenzhen, China in September 2017.

Community Home Help Needs Survey
Rotary Family Service Centre conducted 2 rounds of door-to-door surveys with residents staying in Clementi Avenue 4 and 5 in November 2016 and February 2017. The surveys aimed to find out if residents needed home help services and whether they would consider engaging Rotary FSC’s beneficiaries as their service providers. Cleaning, plumbing, electrical work and babysitting were found to be the top 4 home help services needed by majority of the respondents. A small fraction of them were also willing to engage the FSC’s beneficiaries in providing these services.

Single Parents Needs Assessment
Between April and May 2016, Rotary FSC conducted an assessment on single-parent families to understand their needs. Basic demographics of single parents, their areas of concerns, their hopes for their children and their expectations of Rotary FSC as a support agency were surveyed. The survey revealed that respondents had concerns over housing, financial and emotional issues. Respondents were also concerned about their children’s coping with the changes in the family and the impact that these changes would have on their children’s school performance and conduct.

An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Singapore’s Housing Policies on Malay/Muslim Female Divorcees’ Transition to Single-Parenthood – Role of Social Workers
A post study was conducted by Rotary FSC to the exploratory study on the experiences and challenges faced by Malay/Muslim female divorcees in navigating Singapore’s housing policies. This study aimed to understand the various roles played by social workers and their experiences in advocating housing matters for this clientele. Findings of this study were presented at the 4th Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development in Seoul, South Korea in June 2016.

An Exploratory Study on the Experiences of Malay/Muslim Female Divorcees in Navigating Singapore’s Housing Policies
Rotary FSC conducted a study in 2015 on the experiences and challenges faced by Malay/Muslim females in navigating Singapore’s housing policies after a divorce. In-depth interviews were conducted on with 10 Malay/Muslim divorcees known to the FSC. The study also addressed the impact of housing transition on the participants’ relationships with their own children and their extended families. Findings of this study were presented in October 2015 at the World Mental Health Congress in Singapore and 23rd Joint Regional Social Work Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

Client Profile Analysis Report for FY2015 (1 Apr 2015 – 30 Mar 2016)
In FY2015, Rotary FSC conducted a study to identify emerging social trends in the community and their implications to the Centre’s future service provision. We compared data of our clients for the period of FY2012 to FY2015. The comparison was made for ‘ALL’ and ‘NEW’ cases opened during the respective financial years.

Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund (SPMF) – Client Profile Analysis (2013 – 2015)
Rotary FSC conducted a study to compare the profile of School Pocket Money Fund (SPMF) beneficiaries in the FSC from 2013 to 2015. SPMF is a national project initiated by The Straits Times to assist students from low-income families with their educational expenses. The study found that due to major changes in the SPMF disbursement policies in 2015, there was a drop in the number of beneficiaries and families who benefitted from this scheme.